24 July 2008

Researchers Study Software Gender Gap

"For more than a decade, academics and technology executives have been frowning at the widening gender gap in computer science....

Now, some computer science researchers say one solution may lie in the design of software...."

Girls Bridge Gender Divide in Math

"Researchers looked at standardized test scores of more than 7 million students, ranging from the second grade to high school junior. Whatever gender differences there once existed between girls and boys in terms of math performance are gone..."

17 July 2008

You’ve Played ‘Em, Now Make ‘Em: Careers In Game Development

Lance Powell, Electronic Arts
Tim Trzepacz, softegg.com
Bill Kroyer
Anne Toole, Writers Cabal

Women in Animation

Thursday, July 17, 2008, 7pm

DreamWorks campus

RSVP and for more info:
Women in Animation

Video game industry tries to broaden its appeal

"These video games don't sound like anything that would grab a teenage boy's attention, and that's the point. They are part of an important expansion of the video game industry as it works to pull in women, girls and other demographics and cement its place as mainstream entertainment..."